Happy Friday everyone! I just got an email...and our convention shirt is on sale again...$7.99. (not as good as the $6.99 price, but only $1 more...) Order yours now if you haven't already! Remember, it reads "SupercaliSCRAPiliciousexpialidocious".
click here!
FYI-I have been very quiet in cyber space lately-my camera stopped working and my computer stopped working-after sending it in twice, it seems to be working now but it still needs a tune up, I bought tech support at Office Depot where I bought it, what a pain.
So I am prepping for the San Diego Expo, moving again and packing for StudioJ Boot Camp. Gesh!
Yes, I said moving again. Renting a little house in Point Loma. A tight squeeze but a great location, and moments from my parents and my Jada Rose. I can walk to the water near Shelter Island! Send me happy thoughts!